Synsus’s new NitroGardTM family of products provide a novel, patent-pending approach to managing nitrogen losses with the new HCR (Highly Charged Resin) technology that preserves active ingredients from degradation, allowing protection against nitrogen loss, protecting yield and profits, providing peace of mind and environmental stewardship. Our products are designed to protect NBPT and DCD from natural soil degradation, which allows for reduced chemical load of nitrogen inhibitors. NitroGardTM products can provide effective nitrogen management while stewarding soil health.
All NitroGardTM products contain HCR.
V-Gard | ||
D-Gard | ||
EverGard |
HiCharge NBPT | ||
HiCharge DCD |
2020 trial results across 16 sites and 80 replications across 12 states showed an average 4.5 percent yield increase across the NitroGardTM product line compared to the untreated check, giving the grower a strong return on their investment.
NitroGardTM combines patent-pending HCR technology with well-known active ingredients to improve Nutrient Use Efficiency. NitroGardTM gives similar or better results at a lower chemical load than competitor products, for farmers also concerned with soil health.